Spooky Creaks and Cracks Coming From Your Knees?

Spooky Creaks and Cracks Coming From Your Knees?

Do Your Joints Crack Or Make Noises Every Time You Move A Certain Way? If you’re like most people, these noises concern you.  Does it mean something is wrong with your knees?  Are your joints deteriorating? What happens if it continues? First of all, cracking in your knees (as well as your other joints) is quiteRead More…

Why Surgery should be your Last Resort for Knee Pain

Why Surgery should be your Last Resort for Knee Pain

Arthroscopic knee surgery is one of the most common surgeries performed – despite research telling us that it’s not nearly as effective as most people are led to believe. Furthermore, the science tells us that people who do undergo arthroscopic knee surgery are more likely to have knee arthritis that advances rapidly – resulting inRead More…

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