Why Your Neck Stretches Aren’t Working…

Why Your Neck Stretches Aren’t Working…

Do you suffer from chronic neck pain and ever wonder… Why don’t my neck stretches work? Even though you’ve Googled and YouTubed them about a hundred times… There are a few reasons why stretching your neck might not be doing anything to help get rid of your neck pain. Let’s go over the different reasonsRead More…

Common Golf Injuries and How to Avoid Them

Common Golf Injuries and How to Avoid Them

There’s been a lot of talk about golf here in the office this past week…. Golf season is officially here in the DMV area. And there is nothing worse than an unexpected injury ruining your season! Just this week – we’ve had many of our regular clients requesting extra “tune-up” sessions – just to makeRead More…

Do I Have a Pinched Nerve?

Do I Have a Pinched Nerve?

Picture this: it’s Monday morning. You roll out of bed to find that you can barely turn your head to the right. When you try to force it, pain shoots down into your right hand. As you reach for your coffee mug, you notice your grip doesn’t feel as strong as it did yesterday. IfRead More…

Do You Ever Feel Like You’re Slouching?

Do You Ever Feel Like You’re Slouching?

Pec Minor Tightness: The Gift That Keeps On Giving (You Pain) Do you ever feel like your shoulders are just pulling you into a slouch? There’s one specific muscle – the pec minor – that may be contributing to this, as well as pain in the shoulders, head and neck! Read on to find out more aboutRead More…

Four Tips for Shoulder Pain and Mobility

Four Tips for Shoulder Pain and Mobility

Decreased shoulder mobility can really put a damper on your lifestyle. It can lead to pain with putting items up overhead, problems putting on/taking off clothes, cause sleeping disturbances, or make it difficult to swat at your kids when they’re fighting in the back seat. If you like to run, lift weights, or be generallyRead More…

Can Neck Pain Cause Headaches?

Can Neck Pain Cause Headaches?

Do you suffer from both neck pain and headaches? Can neck pain cause headaches?? Headaches can be disabling – making it difficult or impossible to socialize, exercise, work and even sleep. There are many different causes of headaches, and it can be confusing to unravel what exactly is causing yours – could it be aRead More…

7 Tips For Neck And Shoulder Pain

7 Tips For Neck And Shoulder Pain

The reason this blog contains neck & shoulder pain AND headaches is that often people can’t decide what it is they really have. Pain in this area can be vague and confusing. It can often shift around and can be in the area that’s between your neck and upper shoulder. Some people get headaches withRead More…

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