The research continues to show that the best “treatment” for back pain is exercise. But for some, a work out is what actually aggravates their back. This is a common frustration I hear from clients. They know that strengthening their core and working out is good for their back. But when they do – theyRead More…
Category: Fitness
Using Exercise as Medicine. A Natural Alternative to Pain Pills.
We are inherently designed for motion from the moment we are born. But if you look around – we simply don’t move enough. Compared to our ancestors, our modern lives have us sitting (on average) for more than half our day. Fit bits and smart watches help combat this by alerting you to stand andRead More…
Running Over 50: Top 3 Injuries and What you can Do
If you love to run, then you’re probably no stranger to running injuries. But if you love to run and you’re over 50, not only are you more likely to suffer a running-related injury compared to runners half your age, but you’ll tend to suffer from different categories of injuries as well. In older runners,Read More…
Why Arthritis Feels Worse in Winter – and What You Can Do About It
The cold weather is here and winter is on its way… do you dread this time of year because you just know your arthritis is going to act up? If so – you’re not alone. There’s a very good reason arthritis sufferers love to fly south when the cold weather sets in. But why does this happen?Read More…
Tips for getting through the Holidays Stress and Injury free
Stress has been a big topic at our clinic lately. Many people, maybe even you, feel stress in certain areas of their bodies. We’re only weeks away from the Christmas Holiday – and while it’s meant to be a joyous time of year – for many reasons it also brings a lot of stress to people’sRead More…
5 Easy Ways to Stay Active and Moving this Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite Holidays and it’s right around the corner! While rest and relaxation may be all you’re thinking about – our spine and joints don’t like to be sedentary for prolonged periods. And that’s especially true if you’ve got arthritis, back or knee pain. You may not notice any pain while you’re sitting orRead More…
Getting and Staying Fit when you’re over 50
The importance of being healthy and fit has taken center stage these last 18 months – but especially for the over 50 crowd. Most people aged 50+ who want to get and stay fit struggle… because what might work for someone in their 20’s or 30’s just doesn’t make sense for them in their 50’s. As you age, bothRead More…
Should Age be a Reason to Avoid Certain Exercises?
We’re continuing with our topic of the month – Getting Fit After 50 – and people have been asking me… Are there certain types of exercise I should avoid once I hit a certain age? The short answer is no. Most of our clients are over the age of 50 and they do everything from surfing, playingRead More…
Why Proper Breathing is Essential for Good Core Strength
When I’m working with clients, one of the most common things I see when someone is having trouble engaging their core is that they tend to hold their breath. Why is this important? Because breathing properly allows you to activate your deep core – and good activation of your deep core is essential if youRead More…
One of the Best Ways to Keep Fit Without Going to the Gym
Since it’s going to be a ‘springtime’ soon, something we hear a lot of people who visit our clinic talk about is wanting to be healthier. But one thing that is holding them back is that they’re either: Not sure where to start or what activity to do Or They think that they have toRead More…